Top 50 Mom You Need To Check Out So You Know Mother And Baby Sleep apnea: a lot more men have it, but it’s just as hazardous for women

Sleep apnea: a lot more men have it, but it’s just as hazardous for women

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While studies show that men are diagnosed with sleep apnea around twice as often as women, this doesn’t indicate that this breathing disorder is any less severe within the female population. women with sleep apnea have period episodes of breathing cessation during sleep that cause varying degrees of oxygen deprivation, which leads to symptoms such as daytime lethargy.

Women are working in jobs and careers longer and harder than ever. couple this with helping to raise a family and taking care of the home, and it’s not unusual lots of women complain of being tired. Those with sleep apnea have an additional burden. tiredness during the day and mental fogginess are two of the most common early side effects of sleep apnea.

Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have a genetic condition that causes the throat muscles to kick back while sleeping. The result is a blockage of the upper airway. women with this disorder can stop breathing hundreds of times a night, with some episodes enduring as long as a minute. depending on the severity of the condition, oxygen deprivation can wreak havoc on a women’s body and mind.

Therapy with a device called a CPAP maker (the acronym stands for “continuous positive airway pressure”) is created to stop the stoppage of breathing through air pressure delivered into the nose through a mask that the individual wears while asleep. What has researchers and medical professionals very concerned, however, is the estimation that only a small percentage of women (and men) who have this disorder know they have it.

In one study, 10,000 women between 20 and 70 took a basic survey about sleep. From that number, 400 of the surveys indicated the possible presence of sleep apnea. Upon overnight testing of these women in a sleep center, results showed that 50 percent did in fact have OSA.

And interestingly, not a large percentage of these women had the common symptom of tiredness during the day. lots of of the women’s a lot of evident symptom was high blood pressure, which doctors know sleep apnea can lead to. a lot more than twice as lots of obese women than non-obese women in the study were found to have OSA. Of those who checked positive, 20 percent were diagnosed with a moderate form of the condition, while 6 percent had a severe form.

The message to women is simple: sleep apnea can be a hazardous and potentially life-threatening condition. If you have any symptoms, particularly unexplained daytime tiredness and trouble thinking, see a doctor, who is the only one who can appropriately diagnose OSA.

The CPAP shop is a leading merchant of CPAP machines, masks and accessories used in the treatment of sleep apnea. To learn a lot more about the CPAP shop, you can visit their website.

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